Cypress Troubleshooting

Version Compatibility Issues

Node version not found

No node versions found

This can be an issue due to one of the following:

  • Node is not installed on the machine

  • Node is not configured in the path environment variable

npm/npx not installed

npm is not installed or cannot be imported / npx is not installed or cannot be imported

npm/npx is not installed, please make sure you have the binary installed in your environment, using a package manager, i.e. by running sudo apt install npm.

Incompatible Cypress Version

Incompatible cypress version. The current Cypress version is {cypress_version} - the supported versions are 10.7.0 or higher.

Redefine supports Cypress version 10.7.0 and above, please make sure to install Cypress with version 10.7.0 or higher.

Cypress is not installed or cannot be imported

Cypress is not installed or cannot be imported.

Cypress is not installed, run npm install cypress --save-dev to install Cypress.

Last updated